    • Announcement 2022 for Inter-laboratory Comparison

    • Call for Reports on Current Situation of National Drinking Water Safety

    • Sri Lanka, China sign supplementary agreement on water supply, technology cooperation

    • International Training Program for Water & Sanitation 2019 Closes Successfully

    • 2018 Water and Sanitation Training Course is Opening

    • Mongolian Press Delegation Visits RCEES

    • Water & Sanitation Training Program

    ​Report of the Inter-laboratory Comparison on Arsenic and Ammonia Nitrogen Determination in Water (2022)
    May 22, 2023
    Analytical laboratories need to possess the necessary skills and expertise to perform measurements that are accredited in accordance with ISO or other relevant quality standards....
    CAS Sends the First Delegation to Sri Lanka since the COVID-19 Outbreak
    Jan 13, 2023
    From Dec. 10 to 21, Prof. Wei Yuansong, Deputy Director of CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Water and Environment(CEWE), Director of of the Laboratory of Water Pollution Control ...

    Established in the Research Center for Eco-Environment Science, Chinese Academy Science, CAS-TWAS CEWE aims to provide training, education and joint research programs for developing countries for a common development in capacity building and technological innovation.

    Announcement for Inter-laboratory Comparison on Antimony and Nitrate Nitrogen in Water 2024
    Jul 15, 2024
    Announcement for Inter-laboratory Comparison on Antimony and Nitrate Nitrogen in Water 2024...
    Welcome to South-South Cooperation Workshop at IWA Water and Development Congress & Exhibition on 13 December 2023
    Dec 08, 2023
    IWA Workshop 27: Accelerating SDG 6 Progress in Developing Countries by Identifying Economically Sustainable Approaches...