Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering |Special Collection of Water Safety Challenges and Solutions for Countries along Belt & Road

    Clean water resources and improved environmental infrastructure have a profound impact on the living and development of mankind. How to help developing countries improve capacity building in the field of water and environment, and solve the water resource and environmental management crisis in the process of economic and social development is not only the core of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but also an important path to build community of human destiny. Specifically, the developing countries are in different stages of economic development, as well as in water security and environmental treatment technology and management capabilities, which make them face challenges in the implementation of the UN SDGs. In order to make readers understand the current water security problems and countermeasures in developing countries, Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering launched a special collection of "One Belt & One Road Water Security Challenges and Solutions". This collection focuses on the water security needs of typical developing countries along Belt & Road, such as Sri Lanka, Iran, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Kenya. Based on the practice and orientation of the CAS-TWAS CEWE in water science and technology international cooperation since its establishment in 2013. The collection analyzes and summarizes the core difficulties encountered by developing countries along Belt & Road in the process of improving water quality security and realizing sustainable utilization of water resources. The key countermeasures and series of solutions to the problem are discussed, in order to provide reference for deepening the scientific and technological cooperation under One Belt & One Road initiative. This collection consists of 6 articles, co-authored by the core team of CAS-TWAS CEWE, illustrates the background, model and future direction of China's international cooperation in water technology under the new global pattern.

1 全球新格局下中国开展水科技国际合作的背景、模式与未来展望
International cooperation background, patterns and future prospects in the field of water science and technology in the face of emerging globalization paradigm
WANG Xu, JIN Wei, LIU Juan, YAN Yan, WEI Yuansong, YANG Min

2 孟加拉国饮用水砷污染控制策略与方向
Strategy and development direction for arsenic pollution control in drinking water in Bangladesh
LIU Ruiping, MOHON SHADHU KHAN Tushar, MD RAHMAN Saifur, QU Jiuhui


3 伊朗水与环境领域面临的主要问题及中伊科技合作进展
International cooperative demonstration projects and progress to address Iran’s main water and environmental challenges
ZHANG Yu, HAMIDIAN Amir Hossein, LIU Chao,TIAN Tiantian, YANG Min


4 斯里兰卡不明原因肾病追因研究与中斯相关科技合作进展
International research progress and China-Sri Lanka cooperation on the etiology of chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka
WANG Yawei, WAN Yi, LI Gang, SHAO Bing, TIAN Binghui, WEI Yuansong, HU Jianying, YANG Min


5 斯里兰卡CKDu病区地下水源饮用水关键问题及解决策略
Critical challenges and solutions on ground drinking water in chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) affected regions in Sri Lanka
ZHENG Libing, COORAY Titus, ZHONG Hui, WERAGODA Sujithra, WEERASOORIYAE Rohan, MAKEHELWALA Madhubhashini, WEI Yuansong


6 缅甸若开邦农村地区饮用水现状及安全保障对策
Current status and safety strategies of drinking water provision in the rural area of Rakhine State, Myanmar
YANG Weiwei, YUAN Qingke, WANG Weidong, CHENG Ye, ZHOU Chundong, YING Yanhua, MENG Ying, XU Dayong, LUAN Fubo